

皆さん、 聖霊降臨日、おめでとうございます。今日は、約束の聖霊が弟子達の上に降ったことを記念する聖霊降臨日で、昔から「教会の誕生日」と言われてきた祝日です。弟子達が多くの人々にイエス様のことについて、公に語り始めた大切な日となりました。

イエス様 は天に帰られる前、弟子達に、「聖霊が与えられるまで、エルサレムで待ちなさい」と仰いました。弟子達はイエス様の言葉に従い、共に集まり、祈って、待ちました。その時、彼らはとても不安だったと思います。というのもイエス様の言われた聖霊がいつ来るのか、何日後にとか何月何日にとかおっしゃらなかったからです。

彼らは、イエス様の言葉に従って待つしかなかったのです 。ですが、その 10 日後、五旬祭の日に 弟子達の物語が大きく動き出します。 一同が集まっていた時、「突然、激しい風が吹いて来るような音が天から聞こえ、彼らが座っていた家中に響いた。そして、炎のような舌が分かれ分かれに現れ、一人一人の上にとどまった」と使徒言行録に書いてあります。


私達はこの聖霊がいつも一緒にいてくださることを求め、お互いに配慮し合い、共に苦しみ、共に喜びながら生きていきましょう。そして私達が本当に心を合わせ 「一つになる」ことできますよう、ますます祈り求め、キリストの体としての教会を大切にして頂きたいと思います。

ところで、3日前、私はメルボルンの聖公会大聖堂を訪れました。 興味深いことに、教会内にはコロナウイルスで亡くなった人々の安全と世界平和を願うためにキャンドルが灯されていました。コロナや戦争の影響で沢山の人々が涙を流しました。もしその涙を集めたら、絶望の海がそこに出来たかもしれません。その絶望の海では、残念ながら、今この時も人々が命を失っていることを想像して頂きたいと思います。しかし、その絶望の海も、神様の愛を持って生きるならば、その苦しみもいつか必ず希望や喜びに変わるのではないでしょうか。



Yara River in Melbourne-Australia


My dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Happy Feastday of Pentecost. Today we commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. This feast day is also known as the birthday of the Church. From that day, the disciples began to speak publicly about Jesus to many people.

Before Jesus returned to heaven, He told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until He gave them the Holy Spirit. From then on, the disciples obeyed Jesus' words, gathered together, prayed and waited for Jesus' presence. They were to wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit was given to them, but Jesus did not say when this would happen, or in how many days or on what date. They waited with anxious.

They had to wait according to Jesus' words. On the Jewish feast day of Pentecost, the disciples experienced great joy. As they were all gathered together, “Suddenly there came a sound like a rushing wind from heaven, and it echoed throughout the house where they were sitting. And fiery tongues appeared in their midst and rested on each of them,” says Acts.

The disciples could certainly feel the presence of the breath of God, the Holy Spirit, at that moment. Since then, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the gospel has been delivered to the age in which we live, and to each of us. We are gathered in Japan, Indonesia and Australia, indeed all over the world, 2000 years after Jesus' ascension into heaven. We say that the Church was born on this day, and we are given time to praise God in this way. This fact is proof that we are animated by the Holy Spirit, who still fills the world.

Jesus tells us, “He will send the Comforter, the Helper, the Spirit of truth. He promised us that “this Spirit will be with you and will be in you”. This is the Holy Spirit who unites our minds. Let us live with care for one another, suffering together and rejoicing together, always seeking the presence of the Holy Spirit. Let us pray for the Church as the body of Christ, so that we can truly become "one" with each other in the Church.

By the way, three days ago I visited the Anglican Cathedral in Melbourne. Interestingly, candles were lit in the church for the salvation of all those who died from the coronavirus and for world peace. I think many people shed tears because of corona and war. If those tears were collected, an ocean of despair could be created there. I want you to imagine that people are still losing their lives in that sea of despair. But that sea of despair can turn into joy if we live under the love of God.

 Please, everyone, think of the many people who are seeking mercy and comfort. Therefore, I would like to invite you to unite your hearts and pray together for all those who are suffering and for world peace.


St. Paul's Cathedral Melbourne


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