キリストの教えを信じ続ける-BELIEVE IN GOD



皆さん、今日の福音書はイエス様がご自分について弟子達と対話をする物語です。この対話はイエス様が私達を救うための計画を成就するためにエルサレムに向かう途中で行われました。イエス様は、自分がユダヤ人達から拒絶され、十字架につけられることを知っておられました。 そのような状況の中で、イエス様は弟子達に、本当のイエス様の教えと信じ続ける信仰の力を、心の底から求められたのだと思います。







My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Today's Gospel is the story of Jesus dialoguing with his disciples about himself. This conversation took place while Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem to fulfill God's plan for us. Jesus knew that He would be rejected by the Jews, suffer, and be crucified. Under such circumstances, I believe that Jesus asked His disciples from the bottom of His heart for the right teachings and the strength of faith to continue trusting Him in their lives going forward.

Among the many disciples, it was Peter who saw Jesus as more than a prophet. Peter realized that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Peter led his disciples to follow Jesus' teachings and led them to complete faith. In response, Jesus told Peter he was a blessed man and handed him the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Jesus also said that he would establish his church.  This is the reason why the church continues to survive and stand strong today. 

The church is not a group of saints, but rather a group of people who want to live according to God's teachings. These days many people tend to leave the church for various reasons, but the church is always ready to wait and welcome back those who have left. The doors of the church are always open, as Jesus said, "If one sheep is lost, leave the ninety-nine on the mountain and look for the one that is lost."  Even if they leave the church, I believe that after they are baptized, they will definitely return, regain their faith, and be invited to the church.

Today's Gospel reminds me of my experience at Kichijoji Church, Tokyo Archdiocese as an associate priest for about three years. Not only did I pray and celebrate Mass, but I also participated in various activities with the parish priest, other associate priests, and the people of Kichijoji Church. For example, I participated in church committees and other meetings, cleaned the neighborhood around the church, and visited elderly people with Holy Communion. Especially if the parish priest and other associate priests were absent for such a long span of time. I remember feeling anxious about providing services to believers at that time. But through that experience, I think I learned the importance of constantly seeking God's guidance wherever I am and working with others.

By the way, I'm sure everyone is very busy every day at your respective workplaces. I'm also busy with my studies, but thanks to everyone's prayers, I'm fine. I hope everyone doing well every day. I always pray for you.





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