

皆さん、今日の福音書では、マリア様が天使ガブリエルによって、聖霊が降り、神の子を産むと 告げられたことを伝えています。天使のお告げを素直に受け入れたマリア様は、後に洗礼者ヨハネの母になるエリザベトを訪ねました。年老いて身ごもったエリザベトとマリア様は 不思議な神様の業の中で、喜びに包まれながら、共に祝福に満ちた時を過ごしたと思います。

エリザベトは、マリア様と胎内のお子様を祝福しました。そしてそれに応えるように、マリア様は歌をお歌いになりました。この「マリアの歌」は、長い教会の歴史の中で、絶えることなく歌い続けられています。「私の魂は主をあがめる、私の霊は救い主である神を喜びたたえる」から始まります。そして後半では 救いを待ち望む全ての人への祈りへと続きます。大変素晴らしい讃美の歌です。









Luke, 1. 39-56

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Today's Gospel tells us that Mary was told by the angel Gabriel that she would conceive from the Holy Spirit and give birth to the Son of God. Mary, who obediently accepted the angel Gabriel's message, visited Elizabeth who later became the mother of John the Baptist. I believe that Elizabeth and Mary spent a blessed time together, wrapped in joy in the secret of God's marvelous love.

When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the child in her womb leaped up and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke to Mary. “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” In response to Elizabeth's greeting, Mary poured out a hymn to God.  “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my heart rejoices in God my savior.” This “hymn of Mary” has been sung continuously throughout church history. It is a lovely song of praise to God.

In this hymn, Mary refers to herself as a “lowly person and fears God.” However, Mary did not panic at the Annunciation she heard from the angel Gabriel. Mary continued entrusting everything to God and accepted God's works with a sincere heart. Finally, Mary loudly praised God with all her heart. This is where Mary was united with God while rejoicing in God.

Mary was convinced that by entrusting everything to God, she would be happy. “From now on, all generations will call me blessed.” I hope, we also will feel Maria's courage and humility, and enjoy the feeling of joy with Mary.

Ever since I went to minor seminary in 2003, I have been familiar with the hymn sung by Mary. We continued to recite and sing these hymns in our daily prayers. Through this hymn, I was taught to always be humble and grateful to God in every journey of my life's vocation, no matter what challenges I face.

In our busy lives, we often forget about humility and try to make ourselves look more prominent. We often envy the lives of others, and we think that we are unhappy with our current lives. However, I hope you understand that the gift that God has given us is different for everyone. It is a special gift from God that we receive, and cannot be compared to anyone else. Just as everyone is overjoyed when they have a story to tell about how God is present in their lives, I believe that Mary gushed this praise to God with the same feeling of joy.

By the way, 15 August marks the 78th anniversary of the end of the Pacific War or the second world war. I guess, all of you know that many people around the world have died as a result of that war. Unfortunately, the tragedy and threat of war continue to this day. War is unacceptable for any reason. We must work rationally through discussion, without any particular conflict of interest to create peace. I would like to invite all of us to unite our hearts and pray for world peace together. Let us pray together for world peace through the intercession of Mother Mary. May everyone realize the importance of peace. Isn't peace beautiful?





  1. Amen
    Semoga kerendahan hati Bunda Maria sumber inspirasi bagiku juga. Tabe hadinan anak Pater terkasih. Selamat kuliah. Tabe hadinan


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