





マザー・テレサはノーベル賞受賞時のスピーチで、助けを求めに来た男性について語りました。彼女はその男性に米をあげました。しかし彼はまたマザーの所に来て米を求めました。マザー・テレサは、男になぜまた来たのか尋ねました。すると男は答えました。「近所の人たちも米を持っていなかったので、全ての米を分け与えました。」 その男性は自分を後回しにして、全ての米を求めに応じて分け与えたのでした。この彼の行動こそが、神様が求めている真の寛大な愛です。







Matthew 20.1-16

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Today, we celebrate the 25th Sunday in ordinary time year A. Today's gospel is about the generosity of an employer who gives equal pay to workers. All workers were paid one denarius a day, even though they worked different hours.

Of course, the workers who worked long hours would find this unfair. Some of the workers who worked from early in the morning complained that they were receiving unfair wages. According to them, they get unfair treatment from their employers.  Perhaps the workers who work in the afternoon consider themselves lucky, as they receive the same wage as the workers who work in the morning.

In my opinion, we often experience the same thing in our lives. We often feel lucky with what we have achieved. On the other hand, we often protest against what we have made, because maybe the results we get are not in line with what we want.  Unfortunately, we always measure justice and success based on our own standards.

Here, the Lord Jesus not only wants to show us the true value of justice but also wants to show us His infinite generosity to mankind. Jesus wants us to understand that the real justice He wants is that all people should live in God's grace and mercy. As a result, God has His own way to save us from sin with His infinite mercy and love by dying on the cross.

If we believe in God's infinite love, we should feel how foolish we are if we protest, envy or compare ourselves with others according to our standard of living. If we open our hearts to God's grace and love, we should also open our hearts and spread God's goodness and compassion to others.

As I reflect on today's Gospel, I am reminded of the story of Mother Theresia. In her speech when she received her Nobel Prize, Mother Theresia told the story of a man who came to her for help. She gave the man some rice. However, the man came and met Mother Therese again to ask for help. Mother Teresa asked the man why he came again. Then the man replied. "My neighbors also have no rice, so I have given them all the rice I received from you. The man was helping his neighbors who were suffering. This act of his is the true love that God expects from all of us. That we should behave and act generously towards our neighbors.

Currently, I live in the Seminary of the Society of the Divine Word (SVD). Sometimes I help seminarians who are not yet able to drive. When I am asked for help, I feel moved by something to help them. I taught some of them how to drive. It is a very simple thing, but I am sure that it will definitely be useful for them in the future.

I believe that we can give generous attitudes and actions to others, whenever we want. Our attitudes and actions are very helpful to those who are truly in need. Therefore, let us learn from today's gospel to be a blessing to others.

By the way, it's already spring in Melbourne. The temperature has started to warm up. Meanwhile, it's autumn in Japan. I guess the temperature has started to cool down. Lately, I've been feeling nostalgic for Japanese food. I hope everyone is doing well this week.





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