私達は愛を込めて、兄弟として他人の存在を尊重しなければなりません。言い換えれば、私達が本当の愛を持てば、血のつながりはなくても、他の人を私達の兄弟姉妹として見ることができるはずです。私は現在戦いの中で生きている人達も、憎しみだけで生きているのではないと思います。彼等も私達と同じように、愛したい、愛されたいと思っているに違いありません。私は彼等が 必ずいつか罪を感じ、悔い改める時が来るように祈りたいと思います。そして、彼らが本当の愛の存在を感じた時が、平和への一歩だと信じています。そういう日が一日も早く来るように皆さんもご一緒に祈ってください。
brother or sister in Christ. In today's Gospel, Jesus shows us the two
commandments of love. The first commandment is to love God. "You shall
love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with
all your mind." Here, Jesus mentions the three most important things in
human life as means of loving God. They are heart, soul, and mind. This means
that in loving God there must be harmony between heart, soul, and mind. Loving
God does not mean that we only say love with our lips or with our feelings, but
it means serving God with all our hearts.
second commandment is to love your neighbor. “Love your neighbor as you love
yourself.” This means that we must patiently accept and love the weaknesses and
shortcomings of others, just as we accept and love our own weaknesses and
would like to invite you to reflect on what love means in our lives. For
example, if you ask two people in love, love might mean spending time together
forever. For parents with a baby, love means being willing to take care of your
baby, even late into the night. It is a self-sacrificing act for the sake of
the child's happiness. For a teacher, love means educating students to thrive,
even if it means making tremendous sacrifices. For a priest, love means serving the
people by celebrating Mass with all the fervor and zeal. There may be many
definitions of love that you can give, but I believe that love is passion
dedication, and sacrifice.
every day we hear about war, whether we read about it on the news or watch
it on television. I think, almost all of us feel helpless, when we hear or even
face the news of war. There is a history of people who claim to love God, yet
they still persecute people, start wars, and kill so many people, including
innocent children. The same may also be true in our daily lives. That is why
Jesus taught us this commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself."
must honor others with love and brotherhood. In other words, when we have true
love, we see others as our brothers and sisters, even if we are not related by
blood. I believe that people living in the midst of war are not just living in
hatred. Many of them want to love and be loved just as much as we do. Perhaps
they will feel guilty someday. Let us unite our hearts to pray about world
peace. I believe that when they feel the presence of true love, they will take a
step towards peace.
the way, as I was reflecting on today's Gospel reading, I remembered the song
about "Bahasa Cinta-Language of Love" that I used to sing when I
was at Kichijoji Parish, Tokyo Archdiocese. I will send you the video of that
song again. May God's grace and love be with us all. I also hope you are doing
well this week.
Amin.. Terima kasih temanku utk renungannya. Salam dari Kota Atambua, BELU. Nusa Tenggara Timur.