










My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. The Gospel that we read and hear today is similar to the previous parables of “the two sons whom their father asked to go and work in the vineyard” and “the vineyard that was rented out to other tenants”. Interestingly, this parable was also told by Jesus in front of a large crowd of chief priests and elders. As in the previous two parables, those who did not accept the invitation to the kingdom of God were criticised by Jesus.

Jesus likened the invitation to come to the kingdom of heaven to an invitation to a wedding reception. Anyone can be invited to come to the banquet. Either those who live on the streets or those who live in star hotels. Whether they are beggars on the streets, farmers, businessmen, or working in offices. Many people are invited to wedding receptions, but many do not come. Maybe they are busy with their own activities. Maybe they also think that they have higher priorities at work that need to be done immediately. It's also possible that they are indifferent and want to avoid accepting the invitation. In my opinion, in the end, those who were invited did not really feel how happy and grateful they would be if they had been invited by a king.

So how do we feel about God's invitation today? The invitation that God offers us is a call to salvation. It's like an invitation to a wedding reception. And the gift of salvation that we receive from God is open to everyone. However, we are often too busy with our own affairs to heed God's invitation to salvation. Whether or not someone receives God's salvation depends on their own positive attitude, that is, whether or not they are able to respond obediently to God's invitation.

Here, following Jesus requires honesty. Unfortunately, it is not easy to actively listen to God's voice and act sincerely and honestly. This is because we are distracted by many temptations and want to do things our own way. That is why Jesus said, "Many are called, but few are chosen." I hope all of you will follow Jesus' teachings and aim to live your lives without shame as Christians and as chosen people.

There is currently a war going on between Israel and Hamas. Palestinians are displaced without water, gas, or food. Israel and Palestine have fought many times over the years. And each time, many people die and it is impossible to make peace. They continue to fight against Judaism and Islam, repeating the mistakes of the past. Pope Francis has repeatedly asked us to pray for world peace. There are wars going on in Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Palestine, and other countries we don't even know about. Now, let us unite our hearts in prayer for the world peace that God desires.

By the way, this week I always go to school and study as usual. I'm sure everyone is busy with their own activities, but please stay healthy this week too.




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